• WP1 will develop the Integrated Impact Assessment Framework (IIAF) and its integrated impact assessment methodologies in a multi-stakeholder (co-creative) process to ensure that it adequately addresses stakeholder needs and trade-offs, and will deliver the methodologically robust IIAF as a web platform and a guidance document to facilitate its uptake and implementation by the stakeholders.

    WP1 will develop the IIAF to be (I) inclusive as it will be developed (a) by engaging key stakeholders to ensure that their needs are fully addressed, and (b) their interests and values are accounted for; (II) Open & FAIR as it will be delivered as an open access interoperable web platform that enables easy access to existing EHS and sustainability data via the SUNRISE Open & FAIR database; (III) state-of-the-art in terms of providing guidance to cutting edge testing and modelling tools for a broad range of EHS and sustainability criteria.

    Lead: GreenDecision (GD)

  • WP2 will establish the environment, health and safety (EHS) assessment methodological building blocks (i.e., assessment criteria, indicators, thresholds, classes, toolboxes) for each of the 3 tiers of the IIAF, and support the alignment of the IIAF to Steps 1, 2 and 3 of the EC-JRC framework. WP2 will establish EHS-related assessment criteria and indicators and will identify/develop methods and tools to measure the indicators.

    These building blocks will cover the following areas: (I) What they are: Physicochemical identity (II) Where they go: Life cycle release (III) Where they go: Environmental fate and exposure (IV) What they do: Environmental and human toxicity. There will be a special focus on developing New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that use Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) to combine advanced in vitro and in silico models to replace animal experiments in a more efficient manner than the classical 2D in vitro models.


  • WP3 will establish the sustainability related methodological building blocks for the three tiers of the IIAF, and support the alignment of the IIAF to Steps 4 and 5 of the EC-JRC framework. WP3 will establish the sustainability assessment methodological building blocks (i.e., criteria, indicators, scoring thresholds, classes, toolboxes) for each of the 3 tiers of the IIAF, covering environmental, social and economic aspects:

    ⚬ The Tier 1 toolbox involves qualitative benchmark analysis (hotspots identification).

    ⚬ Tier 2 will employ semi-quantitative tools based on e.g., prospective and parameterised Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) to fill LCI data gaps.

    ⚬ Tier 3 will apply computational models (e.g., process simulation tools) and advanced quantitative (absolute) life cycle assessment methods.


  • WP4 will identify key stakeholders from industry, consultancy, academia, public authorities, and NGOs and to engage those through iterative cycles in the development and testing of the IIAF (web platform). To evaluate how stakeholders’ values and trade-offs can be integrated within the IIAF and may affect impact-based decision-making.

    WP4 will identify relevant stakeholders and will build partnerships with them to understand and outline their needs and concerns. Through the development of a virtual Living Lab, we will engage these stakeholders in the co-creation of the IIAF based on a design thinking approach involving experimentation and multiple iterations to ensure that their potential safety and sustainability trade-offs are fully understood and accounted for in the framework.


  • WP5 will test and validate the IIAF (web platform) and the tools developed in the project in industrially relevant case studies and demonstrate those to stakeholders to facilitate their effective acceptance and long-term implementation.

    In WP5, the SUNRISE industrial partners will deliver case study materials carefully selected to be of high societal relevance and representative of key industrial sectors. For each case study a data gap analysis will be performed and missing data for the IIAF validation will be generated in WP5 for up to 4 priority materials. The stakeholders identified in WP4 will be engaged in user-testing of the IIAF web platform, which will be used to demonstrate to them the integrated impact assessment methodologies in the project’s case studies. Practical guidance on the IIAF for industry will be developed.


  • WP6 will support regulators and policymakers at EU and national level in the implementation of Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) policies through improved understanding of potential safety and sustainability trade-offs. To perform a critical evaluation of policy and regulatory needs and harmonise the SUNRISE research agenda with EU policy trends. They will also contribute to Regulatory Preparedness and to the integration of the project results into the standardisation process.

    WP6 will pro-actively engage key stakeholders from regulatory agencies and policy bodies in the activities of the project so that they can gain improved understanding of potential safety and sustainability trade-offs. WP6 will create important synergies with highly relevant ongoing EU and international initiatives such as the EC-led project on the EC-JRC framework, PARC, the OECD AdMa and SIA Steering Groups etc. The lessons learned from these activities will be used to adapt the SUNRISE research agenda to the SSbD policy landscape and the ever-evolving regulatory needs and standardisation activities.


  • WP7 will develop the identity of the project (e.g., website, logo, brand colours) and promote its activities, widely disseminate and exploit the project results, develop a Data Management Plan, and provide training to partners, external stakeholders and end-users.

    WP7 will develop and implement the project’s Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation including communication activities (PEDC). This includes the strategy to reach out to relevant stakeholders through the project’s webpage, publications, events (workshops, conferences), and informational campaigns. For training, WP7 will organise schools targeting the next generation of scientists as well as representatives of industry and regulators. WP7 will develop the strategy for exploitation of results, including the Business Plan for ensuring the sustainability of the IIAF platform after the project ends.

    Lead: YORDAS GmbH (YOR)