EMERGE is a consultancy company offering to private and public clients advanced and highly qualified scientific and technical support in the fields of safety and sustainability assessment of chemicals and emerging materials (nanomaterials, biomaterials, advanced materials). Its mission is to transfer to European consortia and the private sector the knowledge and experience of its founders acquired from over two decades of research and development of computational tools and software-based systems for risk assessment and management of chemicals and materials used in industrial settings, consumer products and medical applications.
Main activities and roles in SUNRISE
Dr. Danail Hristozov from EMERGE is responsible for the scientific coordination of SUNRISE. EMERGE is involved in the development of the overarching SUNRISE Integrated Impact Assessment Framework, based on lifecycle thinking and designed to support SSbD decision making along supply chains of products enabled by advanced materials. The SUNRISE framework will be a 3-tiered approach with each tier corresponding to an integrated methodology (supported by a toolbox) for health, environmental, social and economic impact assessment targeting different groups of users at different stages of the innovation process and requiring a different level of data and expertise. EMERGE participates to the design of each of these integrated impact assessment methodologies and the related toolboxes. This involves identification and integration of EHS and sustainability criteria and indicators as well as active participation in activities to engage stakeholders from industry (including SMEs), regulation, policy, consultants, academia, and the civil society. EMERGE is also involved in testing the integrated impact assessment methodologies by performing safety and sustainability assessments in a suite of industry derived case studies representing supply chains of real products enabled by advanced materials.
Meet the EMERGE team
Dr Danail Hristozov is the founder and Scientific Director of EMERGE Ltd in Bulgaria. Danail has spent more than 15 years performing integrative research across the areas of risk governance and sustainability of chemicals and emerging materials (nanomaterials, biomaterials, advanced materials) used in industrial settings, consumer products and in medical applications. He has coordinated the large EU FP7 SUN, H2020 SUNSHINE and HEU SUNRISE projects, which have pioneered the Safe & Sustainable by Design (SSbD) concept and have developed state-of-the-art SSbD frameworks and tools for nanomaterials and advanced materials. In addition, Danail participated to more than 20 EU research projects where he contributed to advancing the chemical risk assessment, decision analysis and nanoinformatics research areas.
Danail has been a senior scientist at the Department of Environmental Science, Informatics and Statistics of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice and a researcher at the companies Venice Research Consortium and Veneto Nanotech. He has vast international experience spending months at research facilities in USA, China and Russia. In his early years, Danail was employed as a junior research fellow at the Chair of Industrial Sustainability of the Brandenburg University of Technology in Germany.