Yordas GmbH, a subsidiary of Yordas Group, is a leading international provider of scientific, environmental, human health, global regulatory and sustainability services serving various market sectors (industrial and speciality chemicals, nanomaterials, pesticides and biocides, consumers goods and retail, mining, oil and gas).
Yordas is involved in a number of national and international research projects in which the company leads the dissemination, training, stakeholder engagement and exploitation work packages, providing both scientific and regulatory expertise.
Main activities and roles in SUNRISE
In SUNRISE, Yordas acts as the dissemination partner and leading the respective work package, and will focus on developing the identity of the project (e.g., website, logo) and promote the project activities, widely disseminate and exploit the project results, and provide training to partners, external stakeholders and end-users. Yordas will devise and execute an effective dissemination and communication strategy to enhance awareness among key stakeholder groups about the project, its endeavours, and outcomes through the project’s webpage, publications, events, and informational campaigns. For training, Yordas will organise schools targeting the next generation of scientists as well as representatives of industry and regulators.
Yordas is also involved in WP3 and WP4, supporting the methodological building block focusing on sustainability assessments (WP3), the stakeholder engagement (WP4) and SSbD policy implementation (WP6).
Meet the YORDAS team
Yasemin Ertuğrul holds a B.A. in American Cultural and Literary Studies with doctoral level training in Gender and Women’s Studies. She has 10+ years of experience in research design, communication, print and digital publishing, editing, copywriting, and translation.
Stella Stoycheva (PhD) leads Yordas’ Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) focus area and is an experienced large-scale EU-funded projects manager. She delivers consulting and technical proficiency in the areas of sustainability strategy, science communication, sustainability reporting, and stakeholder engagement and is at the forefront of developing SSbD knowledge and tools with focus on social life cycle assessment. She holds MPhil and PhD degrees in Management Studies from the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy and is a GRI Certified Training Alumni.