The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a Research and Technology Organization active in the fields of information technology, materials, space resources and the environment. LIST develops competitive and market-oriented product/service prototypes for public and private stakeholders. It works across the entire innovation chain: fundamental/applied research, incubation, technology transfer. By transforming scientific knowledge into technologies, smart data and tools, LIST empowers citizens in their choices, public authorities in their decisions and businesses in their strategies.

Main activities and roles in SUNRISE

At LIST, the mission of the Environmental Research & Innovation (ERIN) department is mission is to conduct impact driven scientific research and innovation, as well as science-based policy support aiming (i) the sustainable resources management and exploitation, and (ii) the environmental impact reduction, to sustain the transition towards a sustainable, resilient and intelligent economy and society and thus to meet the SDG goals. The Environmental Sustainability Assessment and Circularity (SUSTAIN) research unit at LIST provides industry and policy makers with science-based assessment (via new methods and technologies) of the impacts and risks associated to manufacturing of products and technologies, consumption patterns, energy systems and the urban built environment. Final purpose is to support the ecological and energy transition of our society towards the 2050 decarbonisation targets.

For SUNRISE, the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) at LIST, group at list is leading the Work Package WP3 “Integrated Impact Assessment Framework (IIAF) building blocks: Sustainability assessment methods”, leading of Task T3.1 “Methodological review and harmonisation”, and contributing to WP1 & WP5, mainly on life cycle assessment, sustainable product design methods and tools, circularity indicators, and absolute sustainability assessment. The Environmental Policies (EPS) group at LIST is leading Task T6.2 “Alignment of the SUNRISE research agenda to EU policy needs”, contributing to T6.1, T6.3, T6.4, WP1 and WP5, on environmental policies, and SSbD.

Meet the LIST team

Dr Michael Saidani specialises in advancing the circularity of materials, products, and industrial systems. He is developing and deploying new methods and tools to measure, improve and monitor the circularity and sustainability performance of product systems. Dr. Saidani’s work impacts diverse industries, from heavy vehicles to agricultural and crop production systems. He has a track record of 50+ peer-reviewed publications in the field of industrial ecology, life cycle assessment and circular economy.