Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística



The ITENE research centre provides companies with cutting-edge knowledge and technology to build a safer, more sustainable future. Our mission is to generate scientific and technological knowledge that we transfer to companies through R&D and innovation projects and consultancy, testing and training services.

We deliver solutions in four main areas: sustainable materials and technologies for the circular economy; design, safety and functionality in packaging; chemical exposure and air quality monitoring; and logistics and smart mobility.

Main activities and roles in SUNRISE

ITENE leads work package 5 “Case studies to test and demonstrate the IIAF for practical purposes”, a WP focused on the validation of the infrastructure based on the case studies proposed by industrial demonstrators. ITENE also participates in other WPs such as WP1, WP2, WP6 and WP7. In addition, ITENE, as leader of a WP5, participates in the activities of task 8.1 (Scientific coordination) and as all project partners in T8.2 (Project management).

Meet the ITENE team

Carlos Fito López has a MSc Degree in Biology and a master’s degree in environmental health. Carlos Fito is ITENE’ head of nanosafety department, coordinator of the nanosafety unit and senior consultant in chemical risk assessment and in vitro toxicology. Since 2008, Carlos has been involved in the management of the Nanosafety Unit of ITENE, working on a variety of Risk Assessment related projects, including the coordination of more than 12 regional, national and international projects.

Elena Barbero Colmenar is currently working in “safe by design” and nanomaterials projects at ITENE. She holds a Ph.D in Nanoscience, advance materials and chemical engineering and a Master´s Degree in Renewable Energies. During her Ph.D, her research focused on nanoparticle engineering, in particular, she worked in the production of small polymeric particles by electrohydrodynamic atomization, also known as electrospray.


José Luis Palau Aloy holds a PhD in Physical Sciences, specialized in meteorology and atmospheric dispersion of pollutants, a Msc in Environmental Engineering and Management, a Master's Degree in Project management and Master’s Degree in Executive Business Administration. He has more than 25 years of experience in studies of meteorology and atmospheric pollutant dynamics, including the coordination of National and International R&D projects, with more than 100 international scientific contributions and more than 25 scientific peer-review papers and book chapters.

Pau Camilleri has been working in several R+D projects of safe by design, developing different tasks, from exposure campaigns to toxicological assays. Her expertise in safe-by design as well as her knowledge of toxicology and eco-toxicology will ensure that optimal results are achieved in the development of new materials that can be safe, supporting the industry in achieving these goals.

Verónica Vela works as a Project Technician in the field of Process Safety and Nanosafety at ITENE. She holds a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering and additional qualifications in Integrated Management Systems and Occupational Risk Prevention. With experience serving research centers like ITER, S.A., as well as outsourced prevention services and private companies such as DANONE and SACYR, S.A.. Currently is actively engaged in national and European projects organizing occupational exposure monitoring campaigns to assess risk and implement mitigation measures, aligning with OECD recommendations and the Safe and Sustainable by Design framework from JRC, aiming to establish safe work procedures for handling advance materials.

Jorge Salvador is passionate about engineering. He has successfully graduated in chemical engineering, environmental sciences, and master in Nanosafety, with experience in quality control, chemical laboratory techniques and additive manufacturing.