
GreenDecision Srl

GreenDecision is a spin-off company of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, which aims to transfer academic knowledge and technology to the public and private sectors, and to provide consulting services and training in the fields of sustainability, risk and resilience.

The main expertise of the company concerns the development and implementation of innovative tools and best practices for supporting complex decision making in a number of focus areas: Environment, Society, Industry and Business.

Main activities and roles in SUNRISE

In SUNRISE, GreenDecision leads the activities related to the development of the Integrated Impacts Assessment Framework (IIAF) for advanced materials based on the European assessment framework for Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) of chemicals and materials (WP1). GreenDecision is also contributing to the development of the semi-quantitative methodology for social and economic impacts assessment and to the absolute sustainability assessment.

Meet the GreenDecision team

Lisa Pizzol, PhD (♀) is a Senior Scientist and consultant with research interests are in risk assessment and management of chemical substances and nano(bio)materials used in medicinal products and medical devices, application of modelling tools for the fate and transport of chemical substances and nanomaterials, application of multi-criteria decision analysis methodologies in the environmental field and development of software-based decision support systems for environmental problems. She has experience in the organisation and management of training activities: academic masters, ESF courses, training schools, general training courses on specific topics. She has contributed to several EU and national projects, such as SAFE-n-MEDTECH, REFINE, BIORIMA, caLIBRAte, SUNSHINE.

Alex Zabeo, PhD (♂) is a Ph.D. in Informatics. His research activities focus on developing modelling tools and software-based tools for risk assessment and management of chemicals and nanomaterials.

He has proven expertise in Machine Learning, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Fuzzy Logic, Value of Information and Bayesian logic-based assessment methodologies as well as in developing software-based Decision Support Systems, web-based platforms and e-infrastructures. He has led the modelling and software development activities in several European and national research projects: NanoInformaTIX, caLIBRAte, GRACIOUS, REFINE, SUNSHINE.