TEMAS Solutions is a consultancy company based in Switzerland which works with companies, mainly SMEs, in the implementation of Safe and Sustainable by Design Solutions. To support companies, TEMAS Solutions is leading the SSbD Standard under CEN TC/352 Nanotechnologies and takes part in several EU projects on this topic to further develop the concept, making sure industrial needs are represented.
Main activities and roles in SUNRISE
TEMAS Solutions plays a role in several WPs, but mainly in WP2, helping shape the regulatory landscape regarding tools to address human safety assessment. Likewise, in WP3 we contribute to sustainability tools, and leading WP6 on the policy engagement.
Meet the TEMASOL team
Dr James Baker has a vast expertise in water and soil remediation using nanotechnology solutions. He has also a background in working with regulators and policy makers through landmark projects like NANoREG, ProSafe, NanoReg2 and Gov4nano. He is co-author of several scientific publications and white papers on regulatory needs and nanotechnologies, and led the SafeGraph project under the Graphene Flagship, which aimed to develop a roadmap on regulatory needs of graphene-based materials.
Mr Cyrille Durand is a sustainability leader with a MSc in Material Engineering and significant experience in packaging and production, program management and sustainability in corporate environments. Expertise in plastics and their value chains. Strong understanding of the consumer good industry, its opportunities and challenges, enabling to develop and implement strategic sustainability visions to transform the company products & materials portfolio.
Dr Blanca Suarez-Merino is a toxicologist with over 15 years’ experience in safety assessment of chemicals including nanomaterials in different sectors (chemicals, cosmetics, medical devices, and food contact materials). I actively contribute to key international groups organised by the OECD, CEN, ISO, ECHA, and EFSA, as well as relevant EU initiatives. At the National level I am an expert under the Nanotechnologies Standardization Group through the Swiss Association for Standardisation (SNV) contributing to CEN/TC 352 Nanotechnologies. I am also a vice-chair of the BIAC group under OECD WPMN.